Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on March 5, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Station with Trustees Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine present. Clerk Waldo, Utility Supervisor Whetstine and Mike Knopik were also present. Posted notices in three public places within the village. Notice of meeting and agenda was given to Trustees in advance. As required by law Chairman Eddy, pointed out the copy of the Opens Meeting Act posted on the wall for public viewing and called the meeting to order. Proceedings shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the public.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Einspahr, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as published Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to pay the following bills:
GENERAL: State of NE, $564.11; Verizon, $112.87; IRS, $137.66; EMS Billing, $78.36; Doug Walker, $91.00; Digger’s Hotline, $3.03; Ray Schluntz, $311.00; Frontier, $116.52; Harlan County Journal, $65.28; TVPPD, $666.55; Payroll, $641.41; Rutt’s Heating, $509.46; Island, $41.88; Black Hills Energy, $526.99; S&W Auto Parts, $66.70; Trustworthy Hardware, $32.15; Matheson Tri-Gas, $54.60; EMS Billing Services, $133.50.
STREET: UHC, $2409.81; IRS, $871.86; TVPPD, $1371.98; Payroll, $3179.98; Island, $41.88; CHS Agri Svc, $341.85.
WATER: TVPPD, $201.12; NE Public Health Env Lab, $15.00; USPS, $35.00; Island, $41.88; Black Hills Energy, $117.07; Southern Power, $292.00.
WASTEWATER: USPS, $35.00; Island, $41.88.
Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
RECEIPTS: Dog License, $3.00; State of NE, $4870.31; Harlan County Treasurer, $5491.33; TVPPD, $4429.86; Building Permit, $10.00; Utility Billing, $9098.35; Int Inc- CD, $48.20; Int Inc- ckg, $126.66.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Discussion was held regarding the recycling trailer. Grant has been submitted.
Grant meeting with NE Games and Parks in Lincoln will be held on March 6, 2018 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Ron Einspahr, Shirley Valentine and Missy Waldo will attend.
Motion by Valentine, seconded by Einspahr to bring from the table the proposal of Mike Knopik to purchase SHA, Lot 10 for $4999.99. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried. Plan is to build a house in the future. Motion by Valentine, seconded by Einspahr to pass Resolution 030518-1, selling SHA, Lot 10 to Michael and Cynthia Knopik for $4,999.99. Roll call vote: Hammond- Nay, Orcutt- Nay, Valentine- Aye, Einspahr- Aye, Eddy –Aye. Motion passed. Down payment of $500.00 has been received. Balance of $4499.99 will be due at closing. Ordinance finalizing the sale will be passed at the April 2, 2018 meeting.
Mike Knopik was present to discuss allowing golf carts to be driven within the village. Due to lack of inter-local agreement with Harlan County Sherriff’s department, there is no way to police golf car usage. Inter-local agreement is cost prohibitive. Discussion was held regarding licensing and loss of license if rules are broken twice. Concern was raised over rules being followed when people are currently driving golf carts illegally. Eddy will talk to Sherriff Becker regarding options regarding enforcement.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Einspahr to approve building permit for 4 Berrigan Road. Voting Aye: Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Abstain: Eddy. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the purchase of a Scoop Dogg snow pusher. Requested estimates from two companies and only heard from Central Hydraulic. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to purchase a 10’ Scoop Dogg Loader Snow Pusher from Central Hydraulic. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Easter Egg Hunt will be March 31, 2018 at 1:30pm at the Republican City Fire Hall. Fire Truck rides, Root Beer floats and snacks will be provided. The bounce house will be for younger children this year.
Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to adjourn at 6:04 p.m.
The next regular scheduled village board meeting will be held Monday, April 2, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.
Melissa Waldo, Clerk
Village of Republican City