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June 5, 2017 Minutes

Village of Republican City

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on June 5, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Station with Trustees Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine present. Clerk Waldo, Utility Supervisor Whetstine, Noah Rowe and Michael McConnell were also present. Posted notices in three public places within the village. Notice of meeting and agenda was given to Trustees in advance. As required by law Chairman Eddy, pointed out the copy of the Opens Meeting Act posted on the wall for public viewing and called the meeting to order. Proceedings shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the public.

Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as published Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to pay the following bills:

GENERAL: Intuit, $206.97; State of NE, $558.40; Verizon, $114.19; IRS, $214.44; Cash (Landscaping), $200.00; One Call Concepts, $3.42; 5-R Repair, $557.26; EMS Billing Service, $383.32; Presto X, $55.62; CHS Agri- Svc, $59.78; TVPPD, $317.21; Travelers, $3206.00; Waggoner Ins, $9273.00; Waggoner Ins, $6916.00; Office Max, $67.70; Event Pros, $150.00; Frontier, $115.08; John Deere Financial, $119.55; Payroll, $932.72; Harlan County Journal, $137.40; Doug Walker, $48.00; Island, $76.04; Waggoner Ins, $3220.00; One Call Concepts, $6.42; Black Hills Energy, $102.56; Doug Walker, $10.00.

STREET: TVPPD, $1375.63; Island, $76.04.

WATER: UHC, $2161.15; IRS, $919.22; Cash (Postage), $100.00; TVPPD, $125.35; USPS, $6.65; USPS, $51.00; Payroll, $3054.41; NDEQ, $3722.55; NE Public Health Env Lab, $15.00; SPD, $182.00; Island, $76.04; Black Hills Energy, $72.05.

WASTEWATER: USPS, $51.00; Island, $76.05.

Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

RECEIPTS: Amb Billing Income, $2498.98; State of NE, $2280.94; Dog License, $3.00; Peddler’s Permit, $10.00; Building Permit, $30.00; TVPPD, $3144.71; Harlan County Treasurer, $13672.25; State of NE, $2569.23; Sale of Real Estate, $11.00; Customer Receipts, $11,592.56; Int Inc- CD, $264.38; Int Inc- ckg, $76.04.

Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

Noah Rowe was present to discuss the addition to a garage on his property at 238 McPherson that was done without a building permit and built within the setbacks required in reference to power lines. Discussion was held on the next step which could include removing the addition, fines and additions to Ordinance 274. Pictures were presented. Mr. Rowe was not aware a building permit was required for this size of an addition and was unaware of the setback requirements near power lines. Building permit will be completed and Building Permit fee was paid at this meeting. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to table the discussion. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

Michael McConnell was present to discuss the need for new bunker gear for the fire department the majority of the gear is from the 1980s as well as request funding for a minimum of 2 complete sets by the Village. One complete set (helmet, coat, pants and boots) would be $2700.00. Multiple needs of the fire department, including a grass rig and fire hose, were discussed. The board requested that Mr. McConnell prioritize the major needs and also provide financial information for the RCVFD. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Einspahr to table the discussion. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Orcutt to recommend approving the addition to liquor license by Harlan County Steakhouse for an outside area including deck. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

Ordinance 298 was introduced by Chairman Eddy. Ordinance 298 reads: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF REPUBLICAN CITY, NEBRASKA PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN RAL PROPERTY AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Einspahr to suspend the rule requiring three separate readings of the ordinance. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to adopt Ordinance 298. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

Motion by Valentine, seconded by Einspahr to approve the building permit for 103 E. 3rd. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to approve the building permit for 217 Center Ave. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

Motion by Valentine, seconded by Orcutt to approve the building permit for 210 Center Ave. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Hammond. Motion carried.

No new information has been received regarding the RV Park. Trustee Einspahr asked that the shelter house and new playground equipment be placed on the July, 2017 agenda.

Discussion was held regarding water/wastewater rates. Will work with Nebraska Rural Water Association to review rates and determine if an increase is necessary to cover expenses. The last rate increase was in 2013.

Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to adjourn at 6:53 p.m.

The next regular scheduled village board meeting will be held Monday, July 3, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.

Melissa Waldo, Clerk

Village of Republican City

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