Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on June 4, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Station with Trustees Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine present. Clerk Waldo, Utility Supervisor Whetstine, Cindy and Mike Knopik, Steve and Debbie Prager, Al and Lavon Schmitt, Michael and McConnell and Attorney Jaclyn Daake were also present. Posted notices in three public places within the village. Notice of meeting and agenda was given to Trustees in advance. As required by law Acting Chairman Hammond, pointed out the copy of the Opens Meeting Act posted on the wall for public viewing and called the meeting to order. Proceedings shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the public.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as published Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to pay the following bills:
GENERAL: State of NE, $554.15; Verizon, $108.75; IRS, $280.58; Amb. Refund, $17.50; EMS Billing Svc., $34.14; TVPPD, $334.05; Presto X, $55.62; CHS Agri Svc, $23.98; Matheson Tri-Gas, $21.45; USPS, $50.00; Travelers, $2575.00; John Deere, $84.46; Harlan County Clerk, $20.00; USPS, $27.65; Payroll, $1323.83; Frontier, $116.33; Waggoner Ins, $2921.00; Pro-Tainer, $17650.00; Doug Walker, $384.00; Island, $105.81; Presto X, $55.62; Waggoner Ins, $9576.00; Black Hills Energy, $81.14.
STREET: TVPPD, $1373.93; CHS Agri Svc, $245.02; Island, $41.70.
WATER: United Healthcare, $2409.81; IRS, $871.86; TVPPD, $206.08; USPS, $35.00; Payroll, $3179.98; NDEQ, $3700.36; NE Public Health Env Lab, $15.00; Island, $41.70; Black Hills Energy, $71.15.
WASTEWATER: USPS, $35.00; Island, $41.69.
Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
RECEIPTS: State of NE, $5480.83; Ambulance Inc, $456.67; Donations, $25.00; Building Permits, $20.00; Harlan County Treasurer, $11,356.08; TVPPD, $3782.51; Utility Billing, $9675.26; Int Inc- CD, $123.70; Int Inc- ckg, $188.00.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to purchase 4, $25,000.00, 12 month CDs at Commercial State Bank at an interest rate of 1.51%. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
Michael McConnell was present to update the Board on the RCVFD. Need numbers on houses for ambulance/fire call. Clerk will add request to website and add to utility postcard. Two members attended fire school in Grand Island. Reviewing Standards for Fire Department as it will make grants more available. Discussed requiring members to have physicals, emergency shelters and equipment the US Forestry Service has available. Board of Supervisor’s meeting has been rescheduled to June 19th. Question raised as to what progress Rural Fire Board has made increasing their levy. Clerk will contact Christ Schluntz. Discussion was held regarding a non-member EMT/EMS/RN aiding in ambulance calls.
Discussion was held regarding the sale of village property behind 211 McPherson/ Block 21, Lot 32. The property is accessible through a driveway via Lots 33 and 34. The owner of Block 21, Lots 33 and 34 does not wish to grant a lifetime easement.
Street improvement bid was received from Tri-State Paving in the amount of $26,437.00. This bid includes sealing 2nd Street and repairing potholes. Discussion was held regarding the budget for the street fund and the unforeseen grader repairs which will total approximately $7500.00. Clerk advised the Board would need to transfer approximately $7500.00 to cover the street improvements and grader repairs. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to accept the bid from Tri-State Paving for street improvements totaling $26,437.00. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to transfer $7500.00 from the general fund to the street fund. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to approve the building permit for at portable storage building at 237 Truman Ave. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to bring the discussion of the sale of Southern Horizons Addition, Lot 10 back to the table. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried. Motion by Valentine, seconded by Orcutt to go into executive session at 6:01 pm to discuss possible litigation. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to come out of executive session at 6:18 pm. Michael McConnell left the meeting. Mike and Cindy Knopik were present to discuss the sale and plans for the property were received. The proposed residence would be stick built and would not be built in the next year. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine that SHA, Lot 10 will continue to be listed as not for sale and further discussion will take place at the July, 2018 meeting. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
Al and Lavon Schmitt were present to discuss their fence at 212 Atkinson Ave. Fence is over the 8 foot height limit and fence materials do not match what was presented when the building permit was approved. Dirt will be added to bottom of fence and slope out on both sides to address the height issue. Decorative, Western themed items will be hung on the south side of the fence. Discussion was held regarding Options presented by Attorney Daake were: 1- revoke building permit; 2- tear down fence; 3- Apply for a variance; 4- Do nothing and property owner can be charged with a nuisance violation in the future. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to reinstate the building permit and require dirt work or lowering the height of the fence and turning the metal sheets so that the non-rusted side faces to the south to be done within 60 days. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
The 10 bin recycling trailer has been delivered. This trailer will be for tin, aluminum, paper (including magazines) and plastic. Items not accepted are glass and plastic shopping bags. The cardboard trailer should be ready within a week.
A starting date has not been received for the playground/shelter house. The Nebraska Games and Parks has not been given official approval or a start date yet. The Harlan County Dam Playhouse will be donating 50% of the proceeds for one of their Sunday afternoon performances to the playground fundraising efforts. The Playhouse is requesting that one of the board members be present to talk about the project. Shirley Valentine will attend and discuss the project.
Keith discussed the grader repairs that were made due to a broken fan blade. Additional repairs include replacing the monitor for approximately $1750.00. Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to repair the grader monitor. Voting Aye: Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Eddy and Einspahr. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the use of the park for a birthday party that will include a bouncy house. Bouncy house is an 18’ by 40’ water slide. Water source on the theater is not available as it leaks into the building. HCDP has asked and is allowed to plan bushes at the theater. Discussion was held regarding the door by the park at the HCDP needs painted.
Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Valentine to adjourn at 7:00 p.m.
The next regular scheduled village board meeting will be held Monday, July 2, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.
Melissa Waldo, Clerk
Village of Republican City