Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on March 4, 2019, at 5:34 p.m. at the Fire Hall with Trustees Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine present. Clerk Waldo, Utility Supervisor Whetstine, Chris Riha with Viaero, Michael McConnell and Dave and Linda Duncan were also present. Posted notices in three public places within the village. Notice of meeting and agenda was given to Trustees in advance. As required by law Chairman Eddy, pointed out the copy of the Opens Meeting Act posted on the wall for public viewing and called the meeting to order. Proceedings shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the public.
Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as published Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Motion by Hammond, seconded by Einspahr to pay the following bills:
GENERAL: Intuit, $28.36; Intuit, $231.63; State of NE, $602.26; Verizon, $108.60; IRS, $139.84; Frontier, $120.11; EMS Billing, $18.13; CHS Agri Svc, $24.75; Jaclyn Daake, $104.47; TVPPD, $633.51; Contryman Assoc., $7900.00; Harlan County Clerk, $16.75; Harlan County Journal, $110.18; USPS, $7.35; Presto X, $55.62; Payroll, $654.76; Trustworthy Hardware, $13.94; Black Hills Energy, $537.51.
STREET: UHC, $2697.57; IRS, $866.86; R&R Sales, $118.12; CHS Agri- Svc, $281.75; TVPPD, $1371.80; Ray Schluntz, 461.50; Payroll, $184.98.
WATER: Southern Power, $306.00; CHS Agri Svc, $24.75; TVPPD, $177.33; NE Public Health Env Lab, $15.00; USPS, $35.00; Southern Power, $333.00; Black Hills Energy, $52.221
WASTEWATER: CHS Agri Svc, $24.75; USPS, $35.001
Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
RECEIPTS: Harlan County Dam Playhouse, $100.00; RCRFD, $1000.00; RCRFD, $1784.93; State of NE, $2871.06; Ambulance Income, $926.21; TVPPD, $3840.83; Harlan County Treasure, $6264.89; State of NE, $1053.25; Building Permits, $20.00; Utility Billing, $9590.46; Int Inc- CD, $68.28; Int Inc- ckg, $160.96.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Motion by Hammond, seconded by Einspahr to open the public hearing on Conditional Use Permit #16 for Viaero Wireless. Chris Riha with Viaero present specifications and pictures for the proposed cell phone tower east of town, but in the one mile extraterritorial jurisdiction. Expected completion date is unknown. No comments were made by the public.
Michael McConnell was present to discuss the RCVFD. Discussion was held regarding allowing residents to cut down dead trees in draws for firewood to prevent the possibility of a rapidly spreading fire. Will be placed on April 2019 agenda. Ambulance is having trouble with def filter again. Will have Luke Bower diagnose and approximate cost to fix. Thermal imaging camera has been purchased. $5000.00 has been received from the County Board of Supervisors. This money will go towards bunker gear. RCVFD has been in contact with the county roads department regarding road conditions in Taylor Manor.
Motion by Hammond, seconded by Einspahr to close the Conditional Use Permit #16 public hearing at 5:59 p.m. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried. Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to approve Conditional Use Permit #16. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding accepting electronic payments via Nebraska Interactive. Many municipalities use this service to facilitate online/electronic utility payments. Jaclyn Daake has reviewed the contract. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to approve the contract with Nebraska Interactive. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to approve the building permit for a carport at 201 Truman. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to approve the building permit for a chain link fence at 201 Truman. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried. Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to approve the building permit for a garage addition at 101 E. 3rd. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Updated shelter drawings were presented. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Valentine to approve the updated shelter drawings. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding nuisance issue at 240 Truman. Trailer full of garbage has not been emptied, but a cover has been put on it. Cats have been seen going in and out of the trailer. Motion by Hammond, seconded by Valentine to pursue further legal action to have nuisance abated. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried. Clerk will contact Attorney Daake to proceed.
Steve and Debbye Prager would like to donate a garage door opener on the south side of the firehall.
Dave and Linda Duncan were present to discuss building stipulations in town. Building materials and siding were discussed in the Southern Horizons Addition. In the Southern Horizons Addition, building materials must be consistent with what is there now. Metal building type siding would not be consistent with houses that are currently there. Culvers are to be 18”. Discussion was held on the purchase timeline and listed prices on available lots.
Resignation letter from Clerk Waldo was reviewed. Clerk Waldo has resigned effective May 31, 2019. An ad will be placed in the Harlan County Journal and Franklin newspaper. Applicants will be reviewed at the April 2019 meeting.
Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to adjourn at 6:32 p.m.
The next regular scheduled village board meeting will be held Monday, April 1, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.
Melissa Waldo, Clerk
Village of Republican City