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Village of Republican City

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on August 6, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Station with Trustees Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine present. Clerk Waldo, Utility Supervisor Whetstine, Andy Miller and Michael McConnell were also present. Posted notices in three public places within the village. Notice of meeting and agenda was given to Trustees in advance. As required by law Chairman Eddy, pointed out the copy of the Opens Meeting Act posted on the wall for public viewing and called the meeting to order. Proceedings shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the public.

Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as published Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Einspahr to pay the following bills:

GENERAL: Sales Tax Payable, $687.49; State of NE, 63.35; United Healthcare, $2409.81; Verizon, $108.56; IRS, $1233.50; One Call Concepts, $5.70; Island, $130.70; M. Knopik, $500.00; USPS, $3.95; Trustworthy, $43.91; Harlan County Treasurer, $10.00; One Call Concepts, $5.31; South Central Sanitation, $141.00; EMS Billing Svc., $73.31; CHS Agri Svc., $135.36; Black Hills Energy, $80.17; Harlan County Journal, $115.02; TVPPD, $130.85; USPS, $7.90; Frontier Communication, $116.24; USPS, $31.60; USPS, $50.00; Payroll, $4917.88; Lake Automotive, $8.50; Presto X, $55.62; League of NE Municipalities, $578.00; Allen Tree Svc., $400.00; Island, $180.10; Trustworthy Hardware, $20.73.

STREET: Island, $50.26; CHS Agri Svc., $245.02; TVPPD, $1373.93; Miller & Associates, $555.20; Lake Automotive, $8.50; Island, $62.25.

WATER: State of NE, $379.65; SPD, $357.00; Island, $50.25; Black Hills Energy, $36.22; TVPPD, $103.48; USPS, $52.50; NE Public Health Env Lab, $15.00; Lake Automotive, $8.50; Island, $62.25; SPD, $302.00.

WASTEWATER: Island, $50.25; Holdrege Commercial Sewer Svc., $440.00; USPS, $52.50; Lake Automotive, $8.50; Island, $62.25.

Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

RECEIPTS: Ambulance Billing, $110.06; Playground Donations, $330.00; RCRFD, $3704.00; State of NE, $6311.81; Travelers, $356.00; Harlan County Treasurer, $2674.64; Building Permit, $10.00; Dog License, $3.00; Utility Billing, $11,156.23; TVPPD, $6628.32; Int Inc- ckg, $125.02.

Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Discussion was held regarding whether to cash a Street CD or transfer funds to cover street repairs. Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Hammond to transfer $7000.00 from general fund to street fund to cover street repairs. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Michael McConnell and Andy Miller were present to represent the RCVFD. Discussion was held regarding having a different tone for ambulance calls and weather alerts. The ambulance call siren and weather alert siren has a different pattern to differentiate. Cannot change the tone of the siren. A used ambulance dealer is keeping an eye for an ambulance in the $50,000- $70,000 range. Board of Supervisors is asking the Rural Fire Board to raise their levy before any action is taken on the in lieu of tax money that the county has been receiving from the U.S. Corp of Engineers. Rural Fire Board is currently working to raise their levy as soon as possible. Discussion was held regarding hand held radio/pagers versus the current pager only.

Michael McConnell and Andy Miller left the meeting.

Motion by Orcutt, seconded by Einspahr to transfer $8,000.00 from the General Fund to the Street Fund and to transfer $7,000.00 from the General Fund to the Water Fund. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Motion by Einspahr, seconded by Hammond to pass Resolution 080618-1, preliminary levy allocation from county board. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to approve the building permit for 233 Atkinson Ave. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Motion by Hammond, seconded by Einspahr to approve new RCVFD members Gunner Prickett and Ruth Severt. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Invitation to Bid and Request for Proposal are being completed for the Warrior Park project. Bids will be opened at the September meeting.

Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to move the September Board of Trustees meeting to September 6, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. due to the Labor Day holiday. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Discussion was held regarding the sale of Lot 32, Block 21 on Layne Road. Comparisons were made regarding price of neighboring properties. There are multiple parties interested in the property. Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to advertise for bids for Lot 32, Block 21 with a minimum bid of $2500.00. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt. There were no votes against the motion. Absent: Valentine. Motion carried.

Shirley Valentine entered the meeting at 6:23 p.m.

Motion by Hammond, seconded by Einspahr to approve the additional 1% increase in restricted funds in 2018-2019 fiscal year budget. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.

Motion by Valentine, seconded by Orcutt to adjourn at 6:25 p.m.

The next regular scheduled village board meeting will be held Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.

Melissa Waldo, Clerk

Village of Republican City

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