Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
Village of Republican City
A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on April 3, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. at the Fire Station with Trustees Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine present. Clerk Waldo, Utility Supervisor Whetstine were also present. Posted notices in three public places within the village. Notice of meeting and agenda was given to Trustees in advance. As required by law Chairman Eddy, pointed out the copy of the Opens Meeting Act posted on the wall for public viewing and called the meeting to order. Proceedings shown were taken while convened meeting was open to the public.
Discussion was held regarding the sale of Southern Horizons Additions, Lot 4 (Tract 2) and Lot 5. Two offers have been made on this property. One offer has been received for $4999.00 from Dave and Linda Duncan. The second offer is to go through the bidding process with a $10,000.00 minimum bid. Clerk Waldo contacted Attorney Doug Walker regarding whether there was a legal obligation to accept the offer that would offer the highest potential income to the Village. Per Attorney Walker, the board can legally accept whichever offer they choose as the property has not been taken on the sale to advertise and go through the selling process. Complete email response is available for viewing at the Village office and is of record in the printed minutes. Motion by Hammond, seconded by Orcutt to accept the offer of $4999.00 from Dave and Linda Duncan for Southern Horizons Addition, Lot 4 (Tract 2) and Lot 5. Voting Aye: Eddy, Einspahr, Hammond, Orcutt and Valentine. There were no votes against the motion. Motion carried.
Offer of $1500.00 on Block 7, Lot 3 was rescinded due to previous offer being accepted.
Motion by Hammond, seconded by Einspahr to adjourn at 4:34 p.m.
The next regular scheduled village board meeting will be held Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend.
Melissa Waldo, Clerk/Treasurer
Village of Republican City